Alexander A. Ronzhin Managing Partner, Advocate. Cand. Sc. (Law) Graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2001. Specializes in corporate law, antitrust, litigation and dispute resolution, real estate, foreign trade, currency regulation and currency control, bankruptcy, off-plan property development, business start-ups, representation before the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Member of the Moscow Region Bar Association since 2008. Registered with the Register of Advocates of the Moscow Region under number 50/5847. Fluent English speaker. e-mail:
Accessoriness of Russian Mortgage and Practical Requirements (Yurist, 2004, № 7 in: ConsultantPlus electronic legal database). Methods of Weakening the Accessorial Character of Legal Relations on Mortgage (Yurist, 2004, № 8). Damages Caused to a Subsidiary: Protection under Civil Law and Criminal Law (Sliyaniya i Pogloshcheniya, 2006, № 9(43)). The Legislation Regulating Illegal Corporate Takeovers (Korporativny Yurist, 2007, № 3). Reports: “Lawsuits for invalidation of decisions of corporate bodies of joint-stock companies and recovery of losses from members of corporate bodies of joint-stock companies”, presented at the seminar “Questions of Corporate Governance” on 8 November 2006, organized by the Institute of Stock Market and Management (IFRU). “Legal support of reorganization through spin-off with simultaneous consolidation, based on the case of OJSC Ivanovo Generating Company and OJSC Ivanovo CCGT”, at the 2nd All-Russia Conference “Legal Support of a Growing Business. Reorganization and М&A”.